Single Reviews

  HALEY MAE CAMPBELL - "Lucky Girl" - Independent Release

Cornerstoned by the monumental success of her singles “Never Been In Love” and “Thank You Card,” Haley Mae Campbell’s 2023 saw rave reviews on her 20 Something EP, hot collaborations with Belles, Presley & Taylor, and Julie Cole, and a high-profile tour slot as the direct support for Alexandra Kay.

With so much buzz naturally swirling around her, Campbell kicks off her next chapter with the very appropriate, “Lucky Girl.”

The float on the breeze melody sets the optimistic groove in motion as her irresistible cheerfulness allows the listener to literally hear her smile as she tallies a list of the good things that are going her way through the opening two verses; catching every green light, finding a ten dollar bill in her pocket, a pay forward situation at the coffee shop that saw her drink unexpectedly paid for by the guy in front of her, etc...

The culmination of all these good things happening in her life isn’t lost on her, though, as she plays off the notion that positivity breeds positivity while gliding into the chorus with an optimistic message, spoken into existence as much for herself as it is for the listener:

“So even if my day starts getting worse

I know that my table’s bound to turn

Cause I’m always looking for a silver lining

Even if it’s kinda hard to find

It all works out for me

Cause I’m a lucky girl”

Holding her fresh, new perspective in the second verse while looking back on a situation that she thought would derail her – a heartbreak – there arrives a refreshing realization that those types of moments weren’t a setback at all, but they were merely the set up to get her to exactly where she needs to be and is standing today.

With a pop country flavoring that perfectly fits the modern era, while still uniquely standing out within the pocket of its 2000’s era influence, “Lucky Girl” becomes a must-needed song that radiates a positivity that injects our souls with the encouragement to shift our everyday outlook on life and embrace each positive moment; no matter how big or small they may be. 

(Review Written By: Jeffrey Kurtis)



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