

Although there isn’t a blueprint for an independent artist to follow that leads to success, Makenize Phipps is certainly coming close to creating one. Since hitting the scene with 2021’s “Maybe,” she has continually perfected her classic country inspired modern kissed sound, elevating defining characteristics that make her uniquely stand out with well-received singles such as “Drag” and “A Little of Both.” With her newest single “You Bring The Beer (I’ll Bring The Noise)” releasing on 9/22/23, we had the awesome opportunity to check in with the new Nashvillian and chat with her all about the song, the viral success of her classic hymn performances, her first time experience playing Ole Red in Nashville, and so much more!  

(Interview by: Jeffrey Kurtis

1) Tell us a little bit about your new single “You Bring The Beer (I’ll Bring The Noise).”

My new song, "You Bring The Beer (I'll Bring The Noise)" is about that hometown feel and how I feel about my hometown in Virginia. It is just a fun song to listen to as well as it brings back so many memories to me of what living in Bluefield, Virginia was all about: being united as a community and living in a small, southern town with our southern ways while also enjoying a nice, ice cold beer! 

2) Known for your classic country infused modern sound, what do you think this song shows about your music that may surprise your fans, but in what ways do you also feel your signatures are well intact to satisfy their itch for new music from you? 

The song lets me express the joys of finding new things that come along with growing of age (the drinking age.)  It lets you know that I'm young and like to have a good time while still understanding the importance of what God instilled in me and never forgetting those roots and his love.

 3) Take us into the writing room for this song; The story behind it.

This song was actually written by my backup singer/guitarist, Shane Begley. My hometown, Bluefield, is actually on the line of Virginia and West Virginia and Shane had lived down in West Virginia for quite some time. He knew how my hometown was and all of our little traditions and he felt why not write a song for people out there that don't particularly know of Bluefield. To show them what living in a small town in Virginia is all about!

4) This one comes after the very well-received, autobiographical “A Little Of Both.” Why do you feel “You Bring The Beer (I’ll Bring The Noise)” is the perfect follow-up to showcase your next chapter? 

Like I said, it shows a different side of me.  The fun, young, want to have a good time kind of side.

The whole message behind "A Little of Both" is someone feeling they have to pick between two things close to them, when in reality why can't you have both? How I relate to the song is since I recently moved to Nashville, TN, I feel a lot of people back in Virginia mentioned to me that I should never forget my roots. Although I live in a much larger city now, I will never forget my rural town so I feel I can have both the city life and the country life!

Bringing "You Bring The Beer (I'll Bring The Noise)" out after this song means a lot to me because I think it will show people that although I don't live in Bluefield anymore, I'll always feel connected with it. It will always be home to me and I will never lose that country side of me.

5) Your viral performances of classic hymns have been a true blessing for the listeners/viewers. How important is it to you to perform these classic songs and be a shining light through them?

I always tell people that I would not be doing anything music related in this world without the good Lord blessing me with this gift. I started my musical journey in church singing for the Lord and I owe all of the glory to him. It makes my heart so happy knowing that these hymns I post resonate with so many people from all around the world. That's what's so powerful about music, it connects with people like no other!

6) You recently teamed up with CCM Magazine for an incredibly powerful performance of “In The Garden.” The song obviously has a deeper meaning to you. Can you fill us in on what that song in particular means to you and why it’s one of your favorites to play? 

I was introduced to this song by Shane and he had told me that this song was played at his mother's funeral. I knew it had touched a special place in his heart when I asked him to initially learn the song with me. I have been very fortunate in this world to not experience the loss of a close loved one and when I heard how much this song had an impact on not only him but others who have felt grief, I felt I should do it in honor of all of those who have passed. The more I sang it, the more I just loved feeling the emotion behind it. I do feel it's one of the more underrated hymns and I just love seeing people sing along to it.  Its reminds me that He's with me no matter what.  

7) Switching over to some milestone performances… though you’ve played Ole Red Gatlinburg, you recently had the awesome opportunity to perform for the first time at their Nashville location on Broadway. What was that experience like for you?

It was SO much fun getting to play at the Ole Red establishment in Nashville. The crowd was fantastic and really enjoyed the music we brought to the stage. It was a great atmosphere for people to come and get a bite to eat as well as a drink while relaxing and listening to country music. I can't wait to go back!

8) Another bucket list date on your current stops in Nashville is a gig at The Listening Room Café at the
end of September (2023). What are you most looking forward to with this show, and why do people
need to make it a point to be there?

This will actually be my first time going to the famous Listening Room Café! I was very excited to be asked to come and play for this Writers Round. I am looking forward to hearing other artist's songs as well as playing some newly written material I've been working on. I enjoy playing my new stuff so I can get feedback from those who are listening. You can only get better and grow by hearing the opinion of others.

9) Obviously, there’s a new single coming out, but do you have anything else in the works right now that you can tell us about. An album? An EP? More singles?

I am in the process of releasing an EP! I am hoping to have it released next year with all of the songs I recorded back in 2022 as well as going in studio and recording some more!  I'm just riding along the path the good Lord is paving and seeing what happens next. 

10) We always like to end with this one since a lot of young artists and writers read out Q&A’s. What is
one piece of advice can you offer to someone who is just starting out and trying to break into the music industry?

Never, ever, ever be afraid of failure. I got started in the music business at a very young age and there were so many times where I was too scared to take that next step. I would hold myself back on so many opportunities in fear that I'd fail when in reality, failing isn't always a bad thing. You can take a risk at something and it pays off, or you can use it as a learning experience if it wasn't what you expected to happen. You will never be able to progress in this world if you don't take failure and learn from it.  You have to continue climbing the ladder and not be afraid of falling! 



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