Single Reviews



                                                                    DALLAS REMINGTON

                                                              "Gone With The Wind" 

                                                              Independent Release





Independent country music sensation Dallas Remington has been building a solid name for herself in the Nashville music community while pounding the pavement and navigating her own unique path amongst an overcrowded scene.

She’s recently caught viral fire as two of her songs earned high acclaim, “Steal Your Dad” and her latest release “Guilty,” both which showed off her bluesy kissed, 90’s country influenced grit through memorable, tongue and cheek lyrics that each perfectly painted the picture of their respective scenarios.

“Gone With the Wind,” co-written by Dallas, Travis Smith, and Cyndi Torres, refreshingly moves into slower paced territory and slides away from the recent tongue and cheek tilt, to offer a make you stop and listen lyric that carries tremendous amounts of depth.

A year to date before the official release of this song, Remington’s hometown of Mayfield, KY was devastated by a tornado, which provided the catalyst for this ultra-personal lyric as she uses her musical gift to tribute not only her hometown and paint the picture of the kind-hearted people who call it home, but to also be a shining light in their darkness.

The softer pace of the song allows Remington to really utilize her incredible vocal prowess in such a way that it encapsulates the emotional tug of every word as she sings us through several different storied accounts that include descriptive lines such as, “But you can’t put a price on what we lost that night,” “The heartbeat of town is all that’s left here now,” etc.

But underneath these first-hand accounts of devastation is the heart of the song, and although she admits in the chorus that nothing will ever be back the same way that it used to be, she even more boldly states that while boards and bricks may have blown away, faith, hope, and love haven’t left the town’s core which is what makes Mayfield more than a memory.

Like the 100-year flood that Nashville experienced in 2010, the tornado that ripped through Mayfield took out the material things, but as natural disasters so often do, tragedy brings community together and creates bonds that are everlasting through the stories and memories shared; the stories that Remington has now laid down on tape!

(Review Written By: Jeffrey Kurtis)

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